
    Sanofi/CFO: Aventis-Gebot trotz Novartis-Ankündigung auf dem Weg - 500 Beiträge pro Seite | Diskussion im Forum

    eröffnet am 22.04.04 17:22:26 von
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      schrieb am 22.04.04 17:22:26
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      PARIS (Dow Jones-VWD)--Die Sanofi-Synthelabo SA, Paris, hat die Eröffnung der Fusiongespräche der Novartis AG, Basel, mit der Aventis SA, Straßburg, zur Kenntnis genommen und hält das eigene Übernahmegebot für Aventis aufrecht. Die US-Wettbewerbbehörde dürfte bis zum 5. Mai den Weg für die Übernahme freimachen und dieses Datum sei für einen Erfolg entscheidend, sagte Marie-Helene Laimay, CFO bei Sanofi-Synthelabo. Das Gebot würde automatisch scheitern, sollte die US-Behörde ihre Prüfung über dem Termin hinaus verlängern. Dow Jones Newswires/22.4.2004/chr/rio

      Diese Nachricht wurde Ihnen von VWD und TeleTrader präsentiert.

      Autor: TeleTrader News Room (© Teletrader),16:39 22.04.2004

      schrieb am 23.04.04 07:10:58
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Laut FT denkt Sanofi endlich über eine Angebotserhöhung nach!::

      Swiss drug group challenges Paris with merger talks
      By Haig Simonian in Zurich and Richard Milne in Paris
      Published: April 23 2004 5:00 | Last Updated: April 23 2004 5:00

      Novartis yesterday challenged the French government`s resolve by announcing it had decided to start negotiations with Aventis on a possible friendly takeover.

      The combined group would be the world`s second largest pharmaceuticals manufacturer after Pfizer of the US. It would have a formidable position in cancer and cardiovascular products.

      The French government declined to comment on the move, but it has supported a rival €47bn (£31.5bn) hostile bid for the Franco-German Aventis from Sanofi-Synthélabo, to form a "national champion".

      A bid from Novartis could lead to a regulatory battle in Europe over whether it should be overseen by Paris or Brussels, after the European Union`s competition authority yesterday asserted its right to rule on any merger.

      French government concerns have been reinforced by fears that if a Novartis-Aventis merger were to succeed, Sanofi would be prey to a foreign predator such as Pfizer or GlaxoSmithKline.

      A person close to Sanofi said last night the company was considering raising its offer.

      Jean-Pierre Raffarin, the French prime minister, had objected to Novartis as a partner for Aventis, saying a deal would limit access to vaccines needed in case of a bio-terrorist attack. Yesterday, unions representing Aventis workers came out against a merger with Novartis.

      The Swiss group`s decision appeared to be a reversal of its previous position that it would only start talks if assured of the French government`s neutrality. But Raymond Breu, Novartis`s chief financial officer, said recent political signals had suggested French hostility had softened.

      "We have seen various statements by the authorities, sometimes conflicting. But the ones that counted have stated certain principles we believe in," he told the Financial Times.

      Jacques Chirac, the French president, and Gerhard Schröder, Germany`s chancellor, have indicated that the deal should be a private sector matter. Patrick Devedjian, the French industry minister, has suggested the government would remain neutral.

      Novartis has also received support in Germany. Daniel Vasella, chairman, this week had talks with Wolfgang Clement, the market-minded economics minister.

      The company may have also been reassured by comments from the EU that the commission would take the lead in the review process. A spokeswoman said yesterday: "A deal between the two companies would have to be notified to the commission...[which] would have sole jurisdiction over such an operation simply because the companies` turnover is well in excess of the threshold set in the merger regulation."

      Novartis gave no indication of the likely timescale for talks or initial reactions to the merger model it has floated, which gives Aventis a degree of independence.

      "It is a very good proposal for the shareholders. It takes in all the legitimate concerns of the governments, in France in particular," Mr Breu said.

      Analysts stressed that the two companies were only at the start of negotiations.

      Novartis`s shares closed down 2 per cent, at SFr56.20, while Aventis rose nearly 5 per cent to close at €65.80, and Sanofi climbed 3 per cent to €55.80.

      Additional reporting by Geoff Dyer in London
      schrieb am 26.04.04 08:27:10
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Das nennt man EU-Harmonisierung auf französiche Art.

      Davon könnte der Europa-"Vordenker" Joschka noch was lernen.

      Andere EU-Länder scheren sich einen Dreck um die EU, wenn es um die eigenen Interessen, unsere "Polit-Profis" eilen
      gehorsam voraus und gebären sich als EU-Musterschüler.

      Deutschland, deine Führer.

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      Sanofi/CFO: Aventis-Gebot trotz Novartis-Ankündigung auf dem Weg